Beyond the Classroom

Simpson opens doors to a deeper understanding of the world, yourself and how you can empower both

Extended learning and engagement opportunities

Through global discoveries, personal journeys and by challenging yourself, Simpson's unique experiences outside the traditional classroom foster self-confidence, cultural understanding and difference-making professional development.

Study Abroad

Whether it's a May Term experience, a semester studying abroad or spending a full academic year in another country, there are many opportunities to broaden your horizons and experience another culture. 


Research is encouraged and facilitated across campus and across all disciplines. It's an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for your course of study and learn important skills to take to graduate school or the workplace.

Speech and Debate/Mock Trial

Our nationally recognized teams offer you opportunities to hone your critical-thinking and presentation skills while focusing on the importance of teamwork.

Centers and Services

The Culver Center, Simpson Urban Studies Institute, EMERGE@Simpson and the Iowa History Center are places you will find only at Simpson College. These unique programs offer you opportunities to get involved and engage in activities that could change your world, and everyone else's.