Flexible, affordable programs designed for working adults.

Programs that work for you

Your career goals are specific to you. Your college experience should be, too!
At Simpson earn your advanced degree right after undergrad, while working full-time or while raising a family.




Gain the general accounting expertise you'll need to launch a career in the field and develop skills in critical thinking, analysis and communication. LEARN MORE



Computer Science

Learn about data structures, database system management and computer programming to sharpen your skills in the high-demand field of computer science. LEARN MORE.


Data Analytics

Gain the fundamental tools of data exploration, visualization and modeling that can be applied to your major field of study. Build the foundation you need for applying big data to your career. LEARN MORE.


Trauma and Resiliency

Develop self-care, social justice and crisis response skills in your work with those affected by trauma in a four-course, fully online program. LEARN MORE.


Free Coaching Offer

Take 30 seconds to complete the Request for Information form (below) and we'll give you a 30-minute professional coaching session—free!

Wherever you are in your career, Simpson’s partners at Your Clear Next Step have an expert team of coaches ready to help you elevate today.


Here to help

Simpson offers a dedicated and focused support team. Let us know how we can best serve you.
